vehicle signage comparison chart

Although cost is important, choosing a sign option cannot be based solely on which has the lowest or the highest initial cost. The lowest cost option may have the lowest value, but the highest cost option doesn't have the highest value. There are other factors which will determine which sign solution is the best for you. Bedfin has been designed with value at the forefront. This means saving you time and money while providing a high quality and effective advertising medium for your eye catching graphics. With drill free installation and tool free message swaps, you'll find Bedfin to be a joy to use. When something works this well, you'll be sure to stick with it and craft effective advertisements for your business. Get Bedfin pricing here.


Most mobile billboard systems are very large and obnoxious looking. This not only looks out of place, but they take up valuable bed space rendering your truck worthless for hauling. Installation usually requires a lot of time and drilling which damages your vehicle. Changing out the messages is time consuming and expensive and may require professional help.


Wraps are great for getting attention. But once you have a viewer’s attention, how much can you really say? Since changing the message comes at a high cost, changing it out is very prohibitive. This leads to very basic and generic information that doesn’t communicate much beyond brand.


Magnets are very inexpensive, but they don’t garner much attention and they come across as unprofessional. Because of their small size, they can’t contain much information and can easily go unoticed entirely. Many users find their magnets come unattached from the vehicle and they require replacing.